This application is developed by Alexander Maydorf.
The compiled programme is a free software - it's prohibited to sale - alone or in a bundle - even if there is no price specified.
The source code - in any development state - is owned and copyright protected by MAYDORF.MAIN (MAYDORF S.R.O.).
To contact the developer - please use the contact form. The software itself does not provide a contact form - only the name of the developer.
You can use this software absolutly for free. Some - additional - functions are provided for supporting (donating) persons only. These functions do not limiting the main software functionality. There is no obligation to support the software. There is also no obligation of the developer to accept a supporter, accept a donation or provide any additional rights to a supporter.
The developer keeps the right to stop developing or providing the software. Also, the server can shut down without any notice. The developer is not responsible for any damage or problem - causes through the use of the software.
The software is digital signed. The key and information are regarding to MAYDORF S.R.O.
To contact the developer - you can use the contact form on this site only!
The software was developed with ADOBE® ANIMATE® and is based on ADOBE® AIR®. Included libraries - like the pdf engine, are free- or shareware.
This is not an original software from LEGO®. There is no guarantee for 100% error-free working. There is no liability at all.
The program is tested on Windows systems only.
MAYDORF S.R.O. - Czech Republic
Alexander Maydorf